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The list of 28+ Universities/University-like Institutes
The Odisha University of Health Sciences bill was passed in the cabinet on March 24th, 2021. See

A gazette notification was done on July 31, 2021. See

It was presented in the assembly on September 1, 2021 and passed in the assembly on September 2, 2021.
Following are some excerpts from the act.



3. (1) With effect from such date, as the State Government may, by notification,
appoint in this behalf, there shall be established in the State of Odisha a
University by the name of “the Odisha University of Health Sciences”.
(2) The University shall be a body corporate by the aforesaid name having
perpetual succession and common seal, with powers, subject to the provisions
of the Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and
immovable, to contract and shall, by the said name, sue and be sued.
(3) The headquarters of the University shall be at Bhubaneswar.
(4) The University shall be an affiliating University.

4. The objectives of the University shall be;—
(a)to regulate the academic standards of the affiliated institutions;
(b)to design new courses and curricula based on the advances in the field of health
science ;
©to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge in health sciences and allied
fields by fostering and promoting medical research ;
(d)to act as the nodal agency for linkages with other national and international
institutions ;
(e)to develop a platform for the dialogue between different systems of medicine;
(f) to explore the possibilities of joint research programmes and integration between
different systems of medicine among the affiliated institution ;
(g)to promote acquisition of knowledge in a rapidly developing and changing society
and to offer opportunities for upgrading knowledge and imparting training and
development of skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all
fields of health sciences with use of modern communication media and
technologies; and
(h)to undertake such other activities as may be required to fulfill the above objectives.


A number of medical and paramedical institutions are existing in the state which
have been affiliated to different Universities of the state for grant of Degree or Diploma or
training certificates. The Universities to which these institutions are affiliated are general
Universities dealing with multifarious fields like humanities, science, commerce, medical
nursing and paramedical curriculum. These Universities have no specialization on the
study of Medical & Paramedical Sciences adoptable in new methods of teaching, learning
and research to achieve excellence in health care and to overcome the incidence of new
diseases. The Medical College and Universities require a healthy, progressive and
productive academic environment. As there is no common authority to guide, assist or
direct the various institutions in regard to manpower, infrastructure and maintenance of
quality of education planning and to advise them on different issues to support the health
services of the state. Establishment of Universities of Health Sciences will address this
serious lacunae and bring about the much needed coordination as well as create bridge
for close interaction between the faculties, in achieving the educational objectives of the
faculties and individual training programmes. It will help in achieving the ultimate goal i.e.
, “Health for All” which is achievable.

For the purpose of ensuring affiliation, proper systematic instruction, training and
research not only in Modern Allopathy Medicine but also in Homeopathy and Ayurveda
including Dental Education, Mental Health Education, Pharmacy Education, Nursing
Education, Education on Allied Medical Science, Physiotherapy and any other medical
and paramedical courses in the state of Odisha and to have uniformity in various
academic programmes in medical and allied subjects, it is felt expedient to establish and
incorporate a University exclusively as an affiliating University in the name of “Odisha
University of Health Sciences” which will facilitate achieving excellence in the field of
Medical Education and Research.

“The Bill seeks to achieve the above objectives.”

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RE: The list of Universities/University-like Institutes - by Chitta - 09-02-2021, 12:45 AM

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